10 Foods to improve memory and concentration.
In the accelerated modern life in which we live we are saturated with distractions that keep our daily work, work and learning.
Fortunately there are certain foods that we can help to improve the memory, la concentración, coordination and reasoning. These foods keep your brain on alert and focused on the activities.
Here I'll show you what these great foods that you prepare the ideal diet for your brain and share it with your family.
1. Bread and whole grain crackers
Carbohydrates release an amino acid, called L- Triptófano, which is absorbed by the brain which, in turn, produces a neurotransmitter that facilitates relaxation and induces sleep.
To the eat this type of food your body responds of way positive allowing you focus you best in your work, However you must have care are the amount of grains you eat.
Despite its benefits, consuming too many carbohydrates before a test or a Conference could produce you sleep or make you feel tired.
As with all things you must balance your consumption and add fruits and vegetables to make you profit.
2. Pasta
The pastries belong also to the Group of those carbohydrates, which have other property in addition to the relaxation: they supply glucose to the brain.
The brain uses this glucose to work properly and improve the memory and the concentration.
3. Chicken
Chicken is an excellent source of protein to maintain concentration. Las proteínas liberan L-tirosina, an amino acid that synthesizes the norepinephrine and dopamine, esenciales para un pensamiento claro y rápido.
4. Eggs
This is a food that keeps the brain in State of alert and helps to the memory to long term thanks to a nutrient called hill which helps to improve the functioning of the heart, of the membrane cell and the memory.
5. Milk skim and yogurt
The neurotransmitters required approximately of the 30% of all the calories consumed in the day to make the brain functions properly.
Thanks to skim milk and yogurt body and brain energy lasts longer since proteins are digested more slowly than carbohydrates.
6. Nuts
In addition to helping you concentrate and respond faster in your work and studies, the walnuts help that the brain works perfectly.
Walnuts have the beneficial properties of proteins and also the virtues of fats, so not hesitate in consume them to improve the memory and the concentration.
7. Olive oil
Another food group that helps your brain, Besides the proteins and the carbohydrates are the fat.
Despite what you have heard previously you must know that not all them fat are bad. In fact the Agency requires of a certain type of fat to operate properly and the oil of olive is an example of a fat "good" for your body.
8. Avocado
In addition to delicious, the avocado has a high content of fibre and sodium, and is free of cholesterol.
This rich fruit contains in addition Omega 3, Vitamins (A, C, D, E, K and vitamins of the complex B), Mono unsaturated fat, folate, Lutein, Oleic acid and potassium. By their special nutritional content is considered as the indicated torque prevent diseases like Alzheimer's.
9. Salmon
The main attraction of this fish of water cold is its rich source of Omega-3. It has been discovered that these fatty acids lead to the brain to its maximum performance. Some studies claim that it also helps and prevents symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder and dementia.
10. Sardines
An excellent source of acids fatty omega-3 and omega-6, It prevents various diseases.
Its consumption must be moderate because in demasía can increase the tendency to the depression.
Ahora que ya conoces los mejores alimentos para mejorar la memoria y la concentración prepara una rica dieta a tu familia, balancing these foods.
Improve the memory is the first step to achieve the success!!
Gabriela Mercado
Advisor in techniques for memory